to Jeff
Thanks for the comment. You're probably right about leaving it alone. What kind of book did you write?
Thanks for the comment. You're probably right about leaving it alone. What kind of book did you write?
I noticed on Julia Sweeney's blog that someone commented that "there's really no difference if god created man or man created god" (that's actually a paraphrase, not a quote). I couldn't disagree more! If God created man, then there really is a higher power out there controlling (or choosing not to controll) things. If man created god, then it's FICTION!!!! HELLOO!!! Isn't that different???? ARGH!!!
I really liked him, and I think he really liked me. (Let's call him Mark.) Mark's best friend (Ken) was white and his girlfriend (Barbie) was black. (??) Well, Barbie's parents didn't approve of her white boyfriend, but my parents didn't have a problem with my black "boyfriend". I think they thought we were just friends. To go to the prom, Ken had to pick me up, so that Mark could pick Barbie up. When we got to the prom we just swapped dates. I was pretty much a nobody in high school, so the fact that people stared or whispered wasn't a big deal. I didn't have anything to lose. (Is that as clear as mud? That has nothing to do with the relationship, I just think it's an interesting litte story and it is totally true.)
I get furious everytime I go to a basketball game at the baptist church where my daughters play. The league is called Upward and it's a great program, IF the coaches would follow a few simple rules that are specific to this league. Welll, of course, many of them don't, one in particular. He has been coaching for 6 years in this league and has always played fast and loose with the rules. He also gets quite an attitude if something doesn't go his way. Well, I think he's a jerk and I pretty much avoid him, but I actually fault the pastor more than him. I coached last year and explained my concerns to the pastor. Nothing ever changes. This coach shows his butt at least once a year (He's a faithful church member!), but every year they welcome him back to coach once again.